Giving / partnership

We would be honored to have you become a partner of His Name Ministries.

We know the power in partnership and we don’t take it lightly. Everywhere we go we know you're with us and we can sense your prayers. 


I wanted to share something that has been in my Spirit about giving

The power in a seed! Every time we are given an offering I always say, “Lord they sowed in into us but most importantly Lord, they sowed it into you.” In Philippians 4:18 it says that there offering was a sweet smelling, sacrifice acceptable, well pleasing to God. How God takes notice of a seed and it says it comes as a sweet smelling odor to Him. Just to think that the God of the universe takes notice of our giving and it comes to him as a sweet smelling aroma. Praise God! In verse 19 it says that God shall supply all your needs according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus. All your needs! Not some of them but all of them! According to what? The bank? The economy? No! According to His riches!

We represent a rich kingdom. Not a kingdom that barely makes it month to month or has to cut up some of the gold streets to have money. It says God will supply all your needs according to His riches! Amen! My wife and I stand with you right now in the name of Jesus, “Lord whatever they need or are believing for we come in agreement in Jesus Name! They have been faithful to us and you are faithful to them. I thank you God for your presence and anointing touching them as they read this. We call it done in Jesus Name Amen!”

- Branden Brim

 Ways to Give.



Give quickly & securely by texting "HNM" to the number 801801, then simply follow instructions.

US wireless providers only. Gift nominated in US dollars.


His Name Ministries 

P.O. Box 262, Montclair, CA 91763